Current offerings.

All offerings are currently virtual only. Contact us for in-person availibility.

Mediumship Reading

Every Mediumship session is unique. These sessions often go beyond connecting with loved ones on the other side and are focused on delivering guidance for your highest good from your angels and spirit guides.

As a messenger for your spirit team and loved ones, I cannot decide who chooses to come through. It is important to remember that all messages received are always intended for your highest good and tailored to your current situation or needs.

1 hour session ($180)

Intuitive Guidance Reading

We all have questions from time to time that could bring light to our current circumstances. During these readings, I will help guide you to align better with your soul's purpose and bring clarity to the issue you are curious about.   

30 minute session ($75)

1 hour session ($150)

Reiki Healing

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Healing, established by Mikao Usui over a century ago, is a Japanese practice designed to reduce stress, induce relaxation, and facilitate healing. This holistic approach addresses the entirety of an individual, encompassing the body, emotions, mind, and spirit, leading to numerous positive outcomes, such as enhanced relaxation, inner peace, a sense of security, and overall well-being.

It's important to note that Reiki is not a replacement for modern medicine but rather a complementary therapy that works in conjunction with it. Reiki falls within the realm of energy healing, a practice aimed at facilitating the flow of energy and eliminating blockages, akin to acupuncture.

45 min - 1hr session ($150)

Integrative Art Healing


A unique and transformative experience that combines the power of artistic expression with intuitive psychic guidance. This group class is designed to help participants delve into their inner selves, exploring emotions, memories, and energies through creative art forms. Guided by The Artful Lightworker, you receive personalized insights and spiritual guidance that aid in unlocking the vibrant colors of your soul.